Be a Connected Educator

This time of year, it’s easy for the creativity tank to run a little low as you attempt to lesson plan. Being a connected educator allows you to have access to other teacher’s ideas which may in turn peak new ideas of your own.

My advice… start by connecting to other educators using social media and networks you already use frequently.

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Facebook: If you use Facebook, try to join a group of teachers in your subject area or like a page for your subject area. Simply type in your subject area + teachers into the search bar. Obviously, some content areas have more thriving groups, but try to find a group that you can both share and receive ideas. The nice part of joining a group on Facebook is that great teaching lessons just end up in my daily feed and I don’t need to search them out.

Search FB

Recently I saw this post and saved it to try out to review some of the key content from semester one. Plus I can pose questions, ask for help or share my own activities with other teachers.

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Twitter: Another way to connect is through Twitter. Any Tech Integrator would love to share with you how to use this great tool if you wanted to get started. If you already are on Twitter, follow some fellow educators who teach in your area. My favorites include Alice KeelerGeorge Couros, HipHughesHistory, and so many more. You can also be involved in online chats that meet weekly. For a list of weekly chats, check out this page or click here for hashtags to follow.


Google Drive: To avoid social media, you can still be a connected educator by setting up a shared drive and connecting with some other educators across the district or locally. Make a habit of uploading and sharing some of your tests, projects or other materials.


EdCamp Fox Valley: There are many ways of being a connected educator. Sometimes face to face is best! Mark your calendars for February 10th to attend EdCamp Fox Valley at Kimberly High School. It’s free and is more discussion based instead of facilitator based breakouts. Talk about what you want to talk about! Register today at

Take a step to reach out to others so you can fill your own tank and try something new!





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